Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Target set, aiming high, and drawing back the arrow.

Time is what I got, and I want to make use of it and try to learn as much as I can. So taking a lead from a friend I am going to start an experiment of personal exploration. My friend has taken up the challenge that most photographers do when learning their gear and learning which medium suits them best. My goal is not to just focus on one thing but several things that are apart of my life and blog about my experiences. So enough of that, lets get to the game plan.

Project 365- Each completed work will decrease this number by one, no more than one project a day. Project will be completed after 365 works are finished and uploaded.

Photoshop study - Each exploration will have one focus piece, I will share an explanation of what I did and what tools I used. Filters and actions will not be used in my works during this time frame.

Finishing my Japanese study, and using what I learn during my daily travels.

Writing - I will write a short story no more than 2 pages a week.

Video Editing - I will continue to develop a set of video editing skills and will produce an edited video once a month.

So Project 365 starts now. I know its a large undertaking but, its the way I learn best, so its either be or not to be.


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